投票結果(11/30 投票数など詳細掲載追加)

Regional Director (任期2023/1~2025/12)結果
AE  Hisae Tasaki
AW Jeff Shi
ES  Kurt Vlach
GL  Liz Brown
MA Brenda Russo
NW Elaine Hawksworth-Weitz
SC Jim Armel
Proposal 1, (会員区分)By-law 13.2.3 削除の件
Proposal 2. By-law15.5(制作会社)の変更の件
Proposal 3. By-law 114.2、114.6および14.1(性別の中立性)の変更
Proposal 4. Show Rule 24.3、24.4、Standing Rule 1026(不良債権)改正案
Proposal 5. 各種Show Rulesの該当部分の改正(男・女の表現部分)
Proposal 6. Reg.Rule の修正(Transfer New Breed 手数料をStanding Ruleに移動)
Proposal 7. Reg,Rule34.3.1に追加(ニューカラー・ステータスの明確化)
TICA Facebookより
Vicki Jo Harrison
Congratulations to the following for being elected/re-elected to
their respective regional director positions:
Hisae Tasaki-AE
Jeff Shi-AW
Kurt Vlach-ES
Liz Brown-GL
Brenda Russo-MA
Elaine Hawksworth-Weitz-NW
Jim Armel-SC